Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Preview: Resistance 3

I thought I would start by saying I'm one of the rare breed of people who didn't like the first Resistance. I hated the health system with a passion, found the multi-player atrocious, and thought the characters from the campaign were about as dynamic as a cardboard box. However I did enjoy the campaign's story, which was good enough to support the sequel Resistance 2. And now the latest (and maybe not the last) installment of the Resistance series is on it's way, slated for a September release. The setting of Resistance 3 is Haven, Oklahoma, during the later half of the 1950's. The Chimeran race has almost completely taken over the earth and is no longer on the offensive, they're more occupied with finding the rest of the survivors and exterminating them. A mysterious spacial rift they have created also occupies their time and resources. You play as Joseph Capelli, a recently dishonorably discharged sentinel, who is among a small cell of survivors just doing what it takes to evade the Chimeran. But when Dr. Fyodor Malikov arrives with a desperate plan, the game really gets going and Joseph is going to have to come out of hiding and take the fight back to the Chimerans. The graphics look great and this only compliments an new "smarter" A.I. The game also features a new progression, objective based multi-player, which looks fantastic, and a two player co-op campaign mode as well as 3-D and sharpshooter features of the Playstation. And even though I found the first one lack luster, I believe that this game will be a standout in anyone's game collection. So for all you Playstation fanatics waiting for the next Killzone 3, I believe you should seriously consider another PS3 exclusive, Resistance 3.



Graphics: 9/10
Gameplay: 8.5/10
Story: 9/10
Innovation: 8/10
Buying Appeal/Replay Value: 7.5/10

OVERALL: 8.5/10


Sunday, 3 July 2011

Preview: Deus Ex - Human Revolution

Sorry I haven't posted in a long time but I've been extremely busy with work. But before I continue on this preview I just wanted to tell you to go watch the trailer at the bottom...was that not epic?! The story is fresh, the graphics look amazing and the game-play itself looks great, plus did you see the way he broke that guy's neck after punching through the wall? Wow. Dues Ex: Human Revolution is actually a prequel to the original Deus Ex and Deus Ex: Invisible Wars. The protagonist is Adam Jensen, an ex-SWAT specialist who is hired to protect a scientist working at a controversial biotechnology firm. But when that scientist is killed by a black ops team, Adam is badly wounded during the attack and the only way to keep him alive is to attach human augments to him. These augments give people super human capabilities and are causing great amounts of controversy in the year 2027. People are being slowly dividing themselves into those who can afford the enhancement and those who can't. Human Revolution is primarily a first person shooter with third person elements during the use of cover, certain augments and instant-kill melee moves. The game also has major role-play elements such as being able to expend experience into skills like social, stealth, combat and technology. This game allows you to play through it with many different choices: do you want to fight your way through? Sneak around? Steal information? Or interrogate people during the level? The choices you make can be made easier with the upgrading of the skills listed above. This game come out for the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC on the 23rd of August. Circle that date on your calendars because this could be one of the biggest games of 2011.

Graphics: 10/10
Gameplay: 9.5/10
Story: 10/10
Innovation: 9/10
Buying Appeal/Replay Value: 8/10

OVERALL: 9.5/10
